RestartUsbPort 1.2.1
RestartUsbPort is a command line tool that allows you to reboot any USB port when it crashes without having to restart your machine. Its goal is to be a simple little tool to reboot a USB port that crashes when trying to use it. First of all you need to figure out which port(s) can be rebooted. Usage:
PortId can be:
- Device instance ID (in quotes because it contains &)
- driver key name
- device location information
- a device friendly name (in quotes if it contains spaces or &)
- a UsbTreeView-style port sequence
lists bootable USB ports
has no information about
timeout to end in milliseconds.
RestartUsbPort -l
RestartUsbPort "USB\VID_0781&PID_5580\AA010319131128161470"
RestartUsbPort {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0007
RestartUsbPort Port_#0002.Hub_#0008
RestartUsbPort "Sandisk Extreme"
RestartUsbPort 1-4-2
Also, for the program to work properly you need to run it with administrator privileges.
Some results returned:
0 - successfully rebooted the USB port
1 - no parameters
2 - invalid parameter
3 - the provided ID could not be found or no devices are attached to the gateway
4 - tried rebooting but failed
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