Softwares Engipedia Topo Shaper

The Engipedia Topo Shaper tool is designed to efficiently modify terrain instances, including Toposolid and terrain surface elements, using model lines. With this powerful tool, you can add additional terrain points along selected model lines, shaping your landscape with precision and ease. Main features Broad compatibility: Supports 10 Autodesk Revit versions, from Revit 2015 to Revit 2025. Delete Terrain Points: Easily delete existing terrain points in polygons defined by selected....

The Engipedia Topo Shaper tool is designed to efficiently modify terrain instances, including Toposolid and terrain surface elements, using model lines. With this powerful tool, you can add additional terrain points along selected model lines, shaping your landscape with precision and ease.

Main features

  • Broad compatibility: Supports 10 Autodesk Revit versions, from Revit 2015 to Revit 2025.
  • Delete Terrain Points: Easily delete existing terrain points in polygons defined by selected lines, allowing greater control over your landscape modifications.
  • Add intersection points: Automatically add additional points where your selected lines intersect terrain boundaries, ensuring your design integrates seamlessly with existing terrain.
  • Erase Mode: Choose to erase existing terrain points along selected lines, providing a simple way to clean up your design.
  • CSV export and backward compatibility: Save your terrain points to a CSV file, allowing some degree of backward compatibility. Please note that importing CSV points may not accurately recreate the original terrain shape if the original contains complex features, such as concave shapes or polygons with islands.
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