Vovsoft RAM Benchmark 1.5
Vovsoft RAM Benchmark is a benchmark measuring utility designed to test and evaluate the performance of RAM, revealing the speed of the memory. Vovsoft RAM Benchmark offers a performance assessment of the memory by running a benchmark test to find the speed of RAM. In an attempt to keep things as simple as possible, Vovsoft RAM Benchmark has a minimum interface that only allows you to start checking with a button.
This application is a free memory evaluation tool and it supports DDR5, DDR4, DDR3, DDR2, DDR1, and SDRAM. It usually does not take long before the results of the benchmark test are displayed on the screen. The speed is revealed by MB/s.
Vovsoft RAM Benchmark measures the speed in the real world by allowing users to change the size of the block size. This program can write and read a huge memory block. If the memory has problems, the performance will be reduced, just like in real life.
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