PTC Creo Illustrate
With the software product development Creo, you can bring your product from idea to prototype digital and do so with efficiency, accuracy and a measure of grace. Our software is intuitive and all work together. PTC Inc., the company specializes in software design, 2D & 3D, management product life cycle (PLM) solutions and managed services, has released Illustrate 6.0.0 incorporate the ability to illustrate with 3D CAD data link to provide specific information about configuration for the support of the product.
PTC Creo Illustrate
PTC Creo Illustrate combines the ability to 3D illustration, with outstanding CAD data combine to provide graphical information about specific configuration is used for operation, maintenance, and maintenance of the product accurately reflects the design of existing products. PTC Creo Illustrate offers a dedicated environment with the capabilities required to create technical illustrations, 3D, rich, used to convey the product and process complexity in a clear and graphic.
PTC Creo Illustrate interprets the CAD formats and is fully integrated with PTC products Windchill, PTC Creo and PTC Arbortext to provide technical information and services 3D quick updates to support the product throughout the life cycle of them. In addition, this powerful software can restructure BOM CAD to create information structure for parts and service procedures or other illustration purposes only other.
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