Skip UAC Prompt 1.2
Running an application at system startup is easy; you can add it to the Startup folder on Windows. These applications run with normal user privileges and that's fine in most cases but Windows doesn't allow advanced tasks to be performed on startup, that's why you can't automatically run programs with administrative privileges at startup. When running tasks or commands as administrator, Windows will present a UAC (User Account Control) prompt with which you will have to confirm whether you want the task to run or not.
You can create an advanced shortcut for a program that allows you to bypass the UAC Prompt and run the program without seeing the UAC Prompt in Windows by using the Task Scheduler, which requires multiple steps. For this reason, we have coded an application called Skip UAC Prompt. This utility also allows you to enable or disable UAC for the applications of your choice without completely disabling UAC system-wide.
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