DeskSoft EarthView 7.11.4
With software DeskSoft EarthView you can easily create wallpapers to your computer or select screen saver of your favorite. the program can change day and night, the clouds will also change according to weather conditions current on one or another part of the earth, you can see the lights of the city.
Features of DeskSoft EarthView can be interesting, because of DeskSoft EarthView support for day and night, you can view atmospheric phenomena, light city can see, the cloud is displayed, you can switch between the maps, EarthView displays the current local time in more than 3000 cities, there is also the ability to work with the system a number of screens, and also has support to work with the 64-bit system.
DeskSoft EarthView
Not only that DeskSoft EarthView also can create images have high resolution, colorful, high-quality for every screen resolution - even beyond 3840x2160! The program supports map viewing and global, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, weather information, displays the local time and much much more. EarthView supports different maps show our planet in different ways, including seasonal changes of vegetation, snow cover and ice ocean.
EarthView supports five earth map, beautiful, different, starting at a resolution of 10 km, which means that at zoom level 100%, 1 pixel on your screen equals 10 kilometers on earth.
Features DeskSoft EarthView
- EarthView have a detailed view of earth
- View day and night
- Atmospheric effects real.
- Urban areas and city lights display clarity
- Cloud (download at the internet data cloud current)
- Weather data (temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, etc.)
- Map and projection global when using EarthView
- Map seasonal shows the changes of vegetation, snow cover and ice ocean
- Some beautiful maps other to choose
- Location and local time of more than 120,000 cities around the world
- Support wallpapers and screensavers
- Multiple monitor support
- More options to customize full
- Installation and removal silent to mass deployment
- Now EarthView supports with Windows 10!
Content update DeskSoft EarthView 6.0.3:
New: database city updates
Content update DeskSoft EarthView 6.1.0:
New: data base city and time zone to be updated.
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