Softwares Monkfish XML Software XML Blueprint 21.2024.09.16

The intelligent XML editor in XMLBlueprint fully supports DTD, Relax NG, Schematron, XSD, XSLT (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and XPath (1.0, 2.0, 3.1). The unique combination of relevant features and an affordable price for both professional and home users makes this a smart choice for all your XML-related work. With XMLBlueprint you can edit and validate very large XML files (1GByte or more). With an intuitive user interface, XMLBlueprint makes XML editing quick and easy. XMLBlueprint is the best....

The intelligent XML editor in XMLBlueprint fully supports DTD, Relax NG, Schematron, XSD, XSLT (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and XPath (1.0, 2.0, 3.1). The unique combination of relevant features and an affordable price for both professional and home users makes this a smart choice for all your XML-related work. With XMLBlueprint you can edit and validate very large XML files (1GByte or more). With an intuitive user interface, XMLBlueprint makes XML editing quick and easy. XMLBlueprint is the best choice for both professional XML developers and home users.

Some features of XML Blueprint

  • XML Validator: XML editor that automatically validates XML files against XSD, DTD, Relax NG Schema, and Schematron. All files are automatically validated as you import. XMLBlueprint provides wizards to associate your XML Document with a DTD, Relax NG schema, or XSD. Supported processors: Xerces, MSXML and Jing.
  • XML Catalog: The XML Catalog allows you to redirect schemas on the Internet to your local computer, making validation of XML files much faster and more reliable.
  • XML Tag Completion: Context-Sensitive XML Helpers, or IntelliSense, based on XSD, DTD and Relax NG Schema, for element names, attribute names and attribute values. The closing tag is automatically added. Annotations are read from XML Schema and presented as tooltips, to provide contextual help.
  • XML Refactoring: XMLBlueprint has many XML editing features, such as: XML Refactoring helps you change the structure of your xml document. Sometimes a simple find/replace text command isn't powerful enough to make subtle changes in your XML Document.
  • With XMLBlueprint, you can edit files stored on a remote FTPS server, SFTP server, or WebDAV server.
  • Large Files: XMLBlueprint is optimized for large files, up to 1GByte or more. Even large files can open quickly without losing any XML features.
  • Outline View: Outline View displays all XML elements and attributes. Sketches are updated in real time as you type. Selecting an XML element in the outline automatically selects the corresponding XML in the editor.
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