World History Atlas 3.43
Chronological and geographical presentation of historical topics and events. Travel through humanity's fascinating history from the earliest civilizations to the present.
Prehistoric times
- Stone Age, Bronze Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age
- Ancient Orient, Egyptology, Ancient Greece, Rome,
- Ancient Egypt, Sumer, Elam, Akkad, Babylonia, Hurrian, Hittite, Meder, Assyria, Israel, Phoenicia, Persia, Ancient South Arabia, Urartian Empire, Phrygians, Lydians, Luwier, Minoan Culture , Celts, Ancient Greeks, Etruscans , Carthage, Roman Empire, Late Antiquity, Germanic tribes, migration of peoples, etc...
Middle Ages: Frankish Empire, Byzantine Empire, Vikings, Crusades, Ottoman Empire, Hundred Years War, Manorial, serfdom, Sengoku period, etc...
Early modern period
- Renaissance, European expansion, Holy Roman Empire, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Wars of Religion, Enlightenment, Absolutism, Cabinet Wars, French Revolution, American Revolution , etc...
Modern times
- Peasant liberation, Industrial Revolution, Liberalism, Communism, Biedermeier, Social problems
- Imperialism, World War I, World War II, colonialism, October Revolution, interwar period, Holocaust, deportation
20th century
- Soviet Union, GDR, United Nations, Cold War, Eastern Bloc, proxy war, arms race, turning point, Middle East conflict, nuclear age
21st century: Climate policy, terrorism, financial crisis, renewable energy, robots, AI
Several thousand historical facts on the following topics:
Military events/conflicts: battles, sieges, naval battles, religious wars and more.
Famous historical figures: emperors, kings, dictators, authors, doctors, heroes, composers, inventors, explorers, geographers, navigators, soldiers people, poets, philosophers, botanists, actors, revolutionaries, astronomers, popes, bishops, politicians, architects, enlighteners, prophets and many others .
Historical natural events
- Thunder, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, solar storms and many other phenomena.
Astronomical events: comets, meteors, eclipses, supernova
Technical achievements in military, medicine, astronomy, chemistry, physics, biology, transportation, energy, architecture, space.
Historical societies: anarchism, authoritarianism, monarchy, fascism, communism, socialism and others.
Artistic Styles / Works of Painting, Music and Literature: Gregorian, Impressionism, Orientalism, Baroque, Realism, Romanticism, Expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, Naturalism, Neoclassicism, Classicism, Pop Art, etc...
Historical sporting events
- World Championships, Olympics
Religious events from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Bahaiism, Jainism.
Historical works from different eras related to religion, military, economics, education, etc.
Map: events, empires, tribes, states, migrations, travel, exploration, military operations, cities, places, capitals, etc. .
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