Cross+A 8.70
Cross+A is a software created with the purpose of simplifying the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, sudokus, nonograms and other logic puzzles. Cross+A provides very flexible and powerful search tools. Users can search for English words using known letters and descriptions and find anagrams and word combinations.
It uses a dictionary of 159000 English words (some of which have descriptions). Users can add new words, delete and change descriptions, or copy words to clipboard.....
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Cross+A is a software created with the purpose of simplifying the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, sudokus, nonograms and other logic puzzles. Cross+A provides very flexible and powerful search tools. Users can search for English words using known letters and descriptions and find anagrams and word combinations.
It uses a dictionary of 159000 English words (some of which have descriptions). Users can add new words, delete and change descriptions, or copy words to clipboard. Cross+A also includes:
- List of English proverbs and sayings;
- List of English synonyms and antonyms.
Cross+A Search Modes
- Search by letter
- Search for words by known length and letters.
- Search for anagrams
- Searches for all words that can be created from letters in the text.
- Search for all words including all letters of the text.
- Search by Description
- Search for patterns using special wildcards.
- Search for word combinations
- Search for a phone number
- Search by Syllable
- Search for compound words
- Search for words, which can be done by moving from letter to letter horizontally or vertically in the grid.
- Search String from Search
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