AnyBurn 6.3
AnyBurn is software to burn CD, DVD and Blu-ray helps you easily create disk images and software synthesis of multimedia or USB drive can boot. As far as installation, you can make the tool verify written data, eject the disc after recording, as well as finalize the disc (an option required by media player). The application supports many image files, such as ISO, DAA, BIN, MDF, MDS, NRG, CDI, IMG, UIF and WIM.
AnyBurn - Create disc DVD, Blu-ray
In addition, you can create audio CD from MP3, WMA, WAV, APE and FLAC, burn the files and different folders to disc, copy discs or erase a disc can record, create image file from disc or from files and folders , convert image files into the ISO or BIN / CUE, extract CD audio, as well as view the properties of the disk or the drive.
Features of AnyBurn
- Recording software, create DVD/Blu-ray compact
- Support many file format
- Extract quickly
- Easily convert
- Show detailed properties of the disc
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