Softwares HTTP Logs Viewer 6.23

HTTP Logs Viewer (Formerly named: Apache Logs Viewer) is an apache log viewer you can easily filter and analyze log files Apache/IIS/nginx. Built-in search and filter functions. Custom log formats are also supported. Apache Logs Viewer (ALV) is a free and powerful tool that allows you to monitor, view and analyze Apache/IIS/nginx logs more easily. It provides search and filter functionality for log files, highlighting different http requests based on their status codes. There is also a....

HTTP Logs Viewer (Formerly named: Apache Logs Viewer) is an apache log viewer you can easily filter and analyze log files Apache/IIS/nginx. Built-in search and filter functions. Custom log formats are also supported. Apache Logs Viewer (ALV) is a free and powerful tool that allows you to monitor, view and analyze Apache/IIS/nginx logs more easily. It provides search and filter functionality for log files, highlighting different http requests based on their status codes.

There is also a reporting facility so you can create a pie/bar chart in seconds. Along with this there are also statistics where you can get top hits, top errors, number of status codes, total bandwidth and more.

Features of HTTP Logs Viewer

  • Support NCSA / W3C IIS Logs
  • Processing multiple records
  • Support for compressed .gz records
  • Support IPv4 and IPv6
  • Divide the log function by size/date
  • Real-time log monitoring (with auto-refresh) both locally and deleted via FTP/SFTP
  • Mark requests by status code
  • Convert IP and IPv6 to country
  • Search by any combination of Request, Date, IP, Referrer and User
  • Filter by any combination of Status/IP Address, GET, HEAD, POST Request, Date, Referrer or User-Agent
  • Export to text file (txt), comma separated value (csv), log file or html
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