AppReadWriteCounter 1.40
AppReadWriteCorer is a tool for Windows, counts and displays the operations read / write files current of all running apps on your system. It displays the number of bytes read / write number of read / write speed read / write is calculated current and the app details (product name, product version, etc.) make read / write operations to the file. AppReadWriteCorer is designed to help you monitor the action that displays the timer for the activity read and write, along with other parameters, as described below.
AppReadWriteCounter - to track activity on the system
AppReadWriteCorer does not require you to go through the set up process, this is a plus point, considering that all the app does is to extract information from your system's memory and display it in organized way. Don't need a more complex instrument to perform a manipulation as simple as that.
It displays the application name and the complete path of it, along with the number of operations to read and write and the number of bytes that the application specific read and write. The counter on each app, not on each process, and are updated in real-time. Based on the data extracted, read and write speed is also calculated. The product name, its version, description files and the name of the manufacturer is also available.Data in AppReadWriteCorer can be saved locally as a text file, but can also create HTML report more comprehensive for all the items in the list or only for the selected rows. Moreover, you can select the columns to include in your report and configure the unit for the speed and the count byte.
AppReadWriteCorer can be useful in case you want to check how the app is running affects the read / write operations on the hard disk. It's nothing other than a tool to extract system information and help you combine it in a report organized.
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