Autodesk Mudbox 2020
Autodesk Mudbox is the application of sculpture and drawing advanced 3D, high resolution, based on the paint brush is built from scratch to meet the needs of the sculptor and digital artist, texture. Designed by the artists produced for the artist producing work for projects demanding, Mudbox introduces the process model and combines familiar concepts in new and exciting ways to give a unique solution for the model and painting trade premium.
Autodesk Mudbox - graphics design 3D premium
Product group Autodesk is happy to announce the availability of Mudbox 2019. This release has improvements for Dynamic Tessname and new features such as grid combination, a separate Selection and conservation of mass. You will notice the icons are redesigned, tooltips open wide, hot-keys, be updates, better support for screen resolutions, as well as some important bug fixes. A new option, preserve the volume, has been added to the advanced properties from the tools Smooth so that you can prevent the grid at excessive. This option is useful when working with the software properly if you want to stop the tool, Smooth down the volume mesh triangle too fast. New behavior is disabled by default so you can use the tool Smooth to reduce and shrink the volume mesh. If you want new behavior, where maintaining the volume mesh and not be impaired, be sure to enable this setting in the Sculpting tool (under the advanced header).
A new attribute, Stamping, Offset printing, have been added to all the properties tool sculpture are related to allow you to tweak the depth of the imprint stamp on the surface of the model. The default value is 0.00, which means that the black areas of the stamp image does not create the impression surface and the intensity of deformation increases until it reaches white. Offset value Stamp is 0.5 means that the black areas of the stamp image indented into the surface of the model with deformation -50%, continues until it reaches a height of + 50% in the white area.
Now, you can cut the amount of UV on geometry of himself while still in Mudbox, where previously you had to to Maya or 3ds Max. Features Clear UV new give you how to remove UV from the mesh from the menu UVs & Maps.
List of hot keys is updated
- List of keyboard shortcuts Mudbox has been extended to include functionality that existed previously but has not yet been assigned keys. This way, you can use the editor Hotkey to give these functions a specified key, for example: choose 6 as a shortcut for the Blur tool.
Tooltips additions and improvements
- In the ongoing effort to simplify the interface, Mudbox, some tooltips were added to user interface. Moreover, information about many tooltips now have been made clear.
Gamma Correct Blending
- Gamma Correct Blending in the Advanced properties of The Paint tool is turned on by default. This feature, introduced in Mudbox 2018 update 2, mix color, before performing gamma correction when drawing textures. Style this blend help to remove the dark edge often appear where the colors intersect, for example when you paint the green on red. Disabling this option will make the edges between the painted regions overlap dark.
Better support for 4k screen
- Mudbox has improved the experience for those who use screen high resolution by providing support for interface extension. Interface rate allows you to use a method of division other ratios for 4K displays, or Retina, before it will show up blurry, alias, text and icon. Interface extension to appear in window Install Mudbox the first time you launch Mudbox so you can set the resolution best suited for his set. You can always switch this setting in the options ui. (The default setting is 100%.)
- In addition, to further improve interface Mudbox for higher resolution, the graphic elements such as icons, tools, and racks have been updated to our differences and are more clearly defined.
Caption:documentation Mudbox will be gradually updated to reflect these changes; a number of illustrations and animations in the help can describe the interface elements older but no behavior change.
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