Softwares CherryTree 1.1.2

CherryTree is a software to create the hierarchical notes, save and sort notes, which in simple structure, easy to navigate. CherryTree carry to many tools and useful features than just insert and save text often. Each note in CherryTree are customized according to size, big in many different ways. Besides the ability to choose the font and font size, CherryTree also allows users to highlighting the section, paragraph, particular, settings changes, alignment changes, superscript and....

CherryTree is a software to create the hierarchical notes, save and sort notes, which in simple structure, easy to navigate. CherryTree carry to many tools and useful features than just insert and save text often. Each note in CherryTree are customized according to size, big in many different ways. Besides the ability to choose the font and font size, CherryTree also allows users to highlighting the section, paragraph, particular, settings changes, alignment changes, superscript and subscript, add the bullet, insert images, files....

CherryTree - Management notes

The features of CherryTree

  • Change the settings for alignment, superscript and subscript.
  • Insert images, files.
  • Import and export data to files PDF, HTML, TXT.
  • Integrated text editor basic.
  • Edit data quickly.
  • Color highlight syntax, create table, insert codebox.
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