Softwares Cppcheck 2.14.0

Cppcheck is a tool for static code analysis for the C programming language and C ++. It is a versatile tool can check the code is not standard. Creator and lead developer is Daniel Marjamäki. Cppcheck is free software under The GNU general public License. Cppcheck is an analysis tool static code C / C ++. It provides code analysis only for error detection and focus on detecting behaviors not defined and the coding structure dangerous. The goal is only to detect the actual error in the....

Cppcheck is a tool for static code analysis for the C programming language and C ++. It is a versatile tool can check the code is not standard. Creator and lead developer is Daniel Marjamäki. Cppcheck is free software under The GNU general public License. Cppcheck is an analysis tool static code C / C ++. It provides code analysis only for error detection and focus on detecting behaviors not defined and the coding structure dangerous. The goal is only to detect the actual error in the code (i.e. there is very little error).

Cppcheck - static code analysis C and C ++

The characteristic of Cppcheck

  • Code analysis only detects the types of bugs in your code.
  • Both command line interface and user interface graphics are all available.
  • Cppcheck strong focus on the detection of behaviors not defined.
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