Softwares DirectX 12 v9.29.1974

DirectX 12 is a collection of APIS to support the games and handle multimedia in Windows environment. It includes many libraries and software to support graphics 2D & 3D quality. DirectX is Microsoft released special is to turn Windows into a gaming platform more user-friendly, this leads to the widespread acceptance of Windows as the operating system game and the popularity of the PC games throughout many years, even to a level competitive with the gaming machine for professional....

DirectX 12 is a collection of APIS to support the games and handle multimedia in Windows environment. It includes many libraries and software to support graphics 2D & 3D quality. DirectX is Microsoft released special is to turn Windows into a gaming platform more user-friendly, this leads to the widespread acceptance of Windows as the operating system game and the popularity of the PC games throughout many years, even to a level competitive with the gaming machine for professional use.

The modern games and multimedia, online or locally installed on your device, you need DirectX, this is required for PC gamers to play the game like PES, Call of Duty, Battlefield and other games.

The features of DirectX 12

  • Interface application programming (API) is designed to bring the experience of great gaming on the computer running the Windows operating system
  • Provides support for high-end games and multimedia.
  • Enhance the gaming experience overall.
  • Works on the background.
  • Enhanced multimedia players.
  • Free.
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