Softwares Dotec-Audio All Products 1.6.5

New products have been released! "DeeMaximizer". DeeMaximizer is the leading maximization tool for natural and powerful sound! A maximum of 32 bands, multi-frequency, generate a large volume. In addition, the activity does not have a lag for it while checking the noise at the time of production. Dotec Audio All Products....

New products have been released! "DeeMaximizer". DeeMaximizer is the leading maximization tool for natural and powerful sound! A maximum of 32 bands, multi-frequency, generate a large volume. In addition, the activity does not have a lag for it while checking the noise at the time of production.

Dotec Audio All Products includes:

  • DeeChannelTool
  • DeeComp
  • DeeCrystal
  • DeeEQ
  • DeeFat
  • DeeFX
  • DeeGain
  • DeeGate
  • DeeGraphComp
  • DeeMMax
  • DeeMax
  • DeePanpot
  • DeeSideIn
  • DeeSpeaker
  • DeeSubBass
  • DeeTrim
  • DeeWider.
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