Softwares EJ Technologies JProfiler 14.0.5 Build 14092

EJ Technologies JProfiler is a powerful tool that you can use to configure the application based on Java that allows you to analyze them with the hope of performance optimization. JProfiler has a number of exploration for you see data the higher level from the system interesting in the JRE. In addition to the system Java EE as JDBC, JPA / Hibernate, JSP / Servlets, JMS, web services and JNDI, JProfiler also presents high-level information about the calls, files, sockets and processes the....

EJ Technologies JProfiler is a powerful tool that you can use to configure the application based on Java that allows you to analyze them with the hope of performance optimization. JProfiler has a number of exploration for you see data the higher level from the system interesting in the JRE. In addition to the system Java EE as JDBC, JPA / Hibernate, JSP / Servlets, JMS, web services and JNDI, JProfiler also presents high-level information about the calls, files, sockets and processes the RMI. Each probe, this set of frames look useful private give you a quick overview, highlighting the performance issues and allows you to keep track of single events. And what is more, all these views are also available for the exploration your own custom that you can configure quickly in JProfiler.

EJ Technologies JProfiler - the application Configuration JAVA

JProfiler simply: simple and powerful at the same time. The configuration session is simple, integration of the Tuesday to make the start easier and data shape are presented the natural way. On all levels, JProfiler has been carefully designed to help you start solving your problems.

The probe JDBC and JPA / Hibernate of JProfiler as well as the probe NoQuery for MongoDB, Cassandra and HBase showed the reason for the access database slow and your script code is called slow how. From frame look at the time line JDBC show you all the JDBC connection with the operation of them, through the view point hot shows you speech slow with the view from far different and list the single event, the transducer database is an essential tool to understand the base class of your data.

Dedicated support for JEE is present in most views in JProfiler. For example, at the level of synthesis JEE, you will see the call tree according to the component JEE in your application. In addition, the call tree is split for each request URI. In addition, JProfiler adds a semantic class up on data strategy description a low level, as the command call JDBC, JPA / Hibernate, JMS, and JNDI is presented in the viewport configuration CPU. With support JEE his JProfiler bridge the gap between the strategy describes the code and monitoring tools JEE advanced.

Content update EJ Technologies JProfiler 11.0.2 Build 11081:

The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.

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