Softwares EMDB 5.35

EMDB (Eric's Movie Database) allows you to sort and catalog collection DVD of you.All you have to do is enter the title (or part of it) and the program will enter the detail information and movie cover image from a selection database online.You can then add personal ratings, customize the details, replace cover photo and also set the path local file (if you have a digital copy on your disk). EMDB - sort and catalog collection DVD of you Other features include an option to track movies....

EMDB (Eric's Movie Database) allows you to sort and catalog collection DVD of you.All you have to do is enter the title (or part of it) and the program will enter the detail information and movie cover image from a selection database online.You can then add personal ratings, customize the details, replace cover photo and also set the path local file (if you have a digital copy on your disk).

EMDB - sort and catalog collection DVD of you

Other features include an option to track movies that you have to borrow of other people a option to search the database and filter, export your movies to HTML, text or CSV format and the option of custom printing.

Content update EMDB 3.48:

The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.

Content update EMDB 3.49:

  • User interface: new Movies are added into a dedicated space, while dedicated space is not displayed no display until reboot.
  • Sort: added sorting Rotten tomatoes.
  • HTML export: fixed error display codec in the movie page individually.
  • HTML export :? €? Include image in the Movie page? €? setting is not remembered.
  • Enter IMDb: Have bug fixes download at photo Actor sometimes without success.
  • Media files: added support for file formats * .webm.
  • Database: added codec support WebM and Ogg Vorbis.
  • Translations: Updated the Arabic translation, English, German, Czech, Chinese, English, and Dutch.
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