eSoftTools NSF to MSG Converter 7.5
eSoftTools NSF to MSG Converter is a best program and many faces are built with advanced features along with the best option that comes with, i.e. Add File and Add Folder. Perform NSF batch conversion to MSG File. Complete the conversion with the superior multipurpose features to convert the NSF to the MSG file with all the correct items and the original data. No limit to the number of NSF conversion to MSG files.
Features of eSoftTools NSF to MSG Converter
Make the NSF bulk....
Thanks for Downloading
eSoftTools NSF to MSG Converter is a best program and many faces are built with advanced features along with the best option that comes with, i.e. Add File and Add Folder. Perform NSF batch conversion to MSG File. Complete the conversion with the superior multipurpose features to convert the NSF to the MSG file with all the correct items and the original data. No limit to the number of NSF conversion to MSG files.
Features of eSoftTools NSF to MSG Converter
- Make the NSF bulk transformation to the MSG file
- Maintenance of the integrity of the Lotus Notes data of IBM
- Need to install Lotus Notes for conversion
- Includes preview Mode to view the directory/section NSF
- The conversion of the selected NSF file/file items
- The Names.nsf switch to MSG file
System requirements:
- The operating system was supported: Windows 7/8/10
- Empty disk volume: 100 MB or more.
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