F.lux 4.134
F. lux is a unique tool that automatically makes the color of your computer screen, you adapt to the time of day. The program calculates the adjustments based on geographic location and type of lighting you use at night. Support tools user automatically change screen brightness in accordance with the vision of the user when working on the computer. This feature will help display the window more clearly, as well as eye protection for users.
F. lux - adjusts the light for PC
F. lux support color configuration for the calibration hardware. Mode Movie mode make the color of the display more pleasant, but still retain the details about Eyeshadow, Skintone and color outdoor. This software uses the tool automatically recognizes lighting conditions, night or day to have the appropriate changes.
When days passed by, f.lux will gradually adjust the screen brightness and color temperature to match the environment around you, which leads to the working environment more comfortable and less eye fatigue than. F. lux offers the hot key combination to adjust screen brightness as Alt-PgDn, Alt-PgUp, or to activate/ deactivate quickly (Alt-End). It also integrates a map with time zones, as well as the weather conditions climate to add tracking. Change the screen brightness is happening slowly, this helps the user get accustomed with the change of brightness.
If you find that the value of the night time default too warm (yellow), you can adjust them from the settings dialog box. The program can be temporarily disabled from the system tray icon whenever you need to display accurate color (for example: for design work, photo or design).
Features F. lux
- Automatically adjust screen brightness
- Identify the lighting conditions around
- Supports color profiles for the calibration hardware
- Provide maps for easy tracking
- Support hot key effect
Content update F. lux 4.111:
The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.
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