SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2025 v5.9.254
PowerShell Studio is the premier editing and tooling environment for PowerShell. Create graphical tools using PowerShell with an easy-to-use GUI designer. Eliminates the need to manually write hundreds of lines of code. Use PowerShell Studio's built-in templates and wired controls to create advanced GUIs quickly. Create a PowerShell script module in minutes with PowerShell Studio. Easily convert your existing functions into a deliverable module. PowerShell Studio has a powerful editor with syntax coloring, reference highlighting, bookmarking, code formatting, and code completion. Create, edit, and manage code snippets to enhance your script development.
You can restrict packets by domain, machine, user, platform and MAC address to avoid unauthorized script execution. Create an MSI installer to distribute your scripts, executables, and modules. Use custom actions to handle special cases, such as open files after installation.
Features of PowerShell Studio:
- Full-featured PowerShell editor.
- Create PowerShell GUI tools visually.
- Convert script to executable (.exe).
- Create an MSI installer.
- Create a module from your existing functions or a help file.
- Create advanced functions with the Function Builder.
- Create a windows service using PowerShell.
- Monitor script performance and memory usage.
- Script with a cmdlet from a remote machine.
- Global version control with Git integration.
- Integrated PowerShell console (32-bit & 64-bit).
- Comprehensive Script Debugger.
- Remote debugging.
- Debugging multiple files and modules.
- Integrate 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell.
- Built-in PowerShell Help.
- Supports Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.
- Format the code.
- Prevent job loss with File Recovery.
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