Garden Planner 3.8.69
Garden Planner : If you want to create a garden plan, create a landscape by activity or simply be curious, then you can download Garden Planner . Garden Planner is a program that helps the user to design a dream garden through the layout and arrangement of plants, plants, buildings and objects, creating living spaces. style is consistent with the user's criteria and standards.
Garden Planner application is very simple, just select bushes, other plants, trees, pond and drag them into your plan. The colors of all foliage can be easily changed, and the garden's plan can be increased or decreased. With Garden Planner, users can easily insert objects arranged in folders such as "Trees", "Shrubs and plants", "Flowers", "Cover plants", "Buildings", "Walls and Fence", "Plants" and "Symbols". Each of these items is customizable by name, size, rotation mode, color and lock mode.
Garden Planner Garden Design
Garden Planner has a very simple interface; in truth, everyone will be able to work; You can save your projects or print them, you will get a large number of ready-made factories, you can use the built-in tools to create paths, fences and more. Users will be provided with a variety of tools for designing walkways, flower beds, walls and fences, sidewalks, pools and ponds, gravel, etc. in straight lines, arcs, shapes or Design freely.
Key Features of Garden Planner:
- Garden Planner interface works professionally, is easy to use.
- Many sample models are built-in in Garden Planner.
- Add and customize objects by name, size, color, etc.
- Multiple design tools integrated.
- Rotate, resize object, move object.
- Export the project to a JPEG or PNG image.
Specifications and System Requirements
- Supported operating systems: Windows 7/8/10
- Processor: Pentium IV and up
- Free hard disk space: 500 MB or more
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