Google Earth Images Downloader 6.43
Google Earth Images Downloader is a tool that helps you grab images tile satellite offline from google earth (not google maps). It can work without google earth installed. Google Earth Images Downloader has four parameters are used to determine the target area, namely the longitude left and right and the highest point and lower latitudes. You can also limit the number of images to be downloaded at a time, limited active in a range of zoom levels specific.
Google Earth Images Downloader - Download Google map
The program allows you to view the offline maps downloaded by one in the gadget view is included. They're not particularly complex, because they only allow to increase or decrease the rate. When the task download is complete, you will see that many small images are saved in the output folder. You can use matching sets of cards available to combine them into a big card. In addition, you can even export the captured image to SQLite database for RMaps, Oruxmaps or MBtiles.
Features of Google Earth Images Downloader
- You can view offline maps downloaded with map viewer and you can zoom out or zoom in the offline map.
- Export map under the file format BMP, JPG, TIFF.
- It can even export all the fields into sqlite database with the MBtiles format, then you use db sqlite on some app Android or iOS, such as MapBox, RMaps, Oruxmaps, etc.
- When you create a file mbtiles, you can view the file mbtiles viewer MBTiles.
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