Lighting Calculations 6.0.0
Lighting calculation is the best application in the field of lighting, it has many calculations that can help you in your work. Lighting calculations are used to determine the amount of light needed in a given space or area to achieve the desired lighting level. These calculations take into account a number of factors, including the size and shape of the space, the type and placement of lighting fixtures, and the brightness of the light source.
Calculate total luminous flux, Indoor lighting requirements, Number of lamps, Calculate luminous efficiency, Power factor correction, Lux meter (only compatible on devices with light sensor), Brightness floor lighting, Energy saving lamps, Photogenic safety of LED lamps, Specific power.
Lumen to Lux, Lux to Lumens, Lumens to Watt, Watt to Lumens, Lux to Watt, Watt to Lux, Lumens to Candela, Candela to Lumens, Candela to Lux, Lux to Candela, Lux / Foot-Candle, So power comparison, Luminance to exposure value, Exposure value to luminance, Luminance to exposure value, Exposure value to luminance, Luminance converter, Luminance converter, Kelvin to RGB, RGB/HEX conversion, RGB/CMYK conversion.
Lamp type, Lamp accessory, Bulb shape, Luminous efficiency table, Color temperature, Kruithof curve, Visible spectrum, Fluorescent tube, Color code of fluorescent lamp, Typical LED characteristics , Power supply for LED strip, SMD LED, Measurement unit, Symbol.
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