Softwares IObit Driver Booster Pro

IObit Driver Booster Pro is the starting step to avoid hardware errors, the loss of the system and hidden security vulneruses. To update the regular driver is also an effective way to enhance your overall computer performance and maximize your gaming experience. While this process can be dangerous and frustrating if done manually. IObit Driver Booster Pro is introduced to download and update the driver for you automatically with only one click. Based on the cloud library, IObit Driver....

IObit Driver Booster Pro is the starting step to avoid hardware errors, the loss of the system and hidden security vulneruses. To update the regular driver is also an effective way to enhance your overall computer performance and maximize your gaming experience. While this process can be dangerous and frustrating if done manually. IObit Driver Booster Pro is introduced to download and update the driver for you automatically with only one click. Based on the cloud library, IObit Driver Booster Pro can always be the first person to determine the outdated driver, and download and update the driver with an infinite speed. With backup feature, IObit Driver Booster Pro is an easy, efficient and risky solution to keep your driver updated.

IObit Driver Booster Pro:

IObit Driver Booster Pro

Supports fast computer driver updates

  • Support multiple hardware devices and improved computer performance
  • Update drivers faster than 300% with only one click
  • The special control process for the top game experience
  • backup drivers to restore safety

The main feature of IObit Driver Booster Pro:

Download and update the driver obsolete with a click
A click of the hardware function for the top performance
The special control driver for the top game experience
automatically determines the
time driver's failure to support multiple hardware devices more comprehensive than
The priority to update the failed driver update
The backup controller to restore the
Download and update the controller up to 300% faster than
automatically updates to the version. the latest

New features of IObit Driver Booster Pro 8:

  • Full support support for Windows 10 20H2 (Updated October 2020)
  • Optimization of a program installation to install faster
  • Optimization of registration for better registration experience
  • User interface is optimized for better understanding.

System requirements and system requirements

  • The operating system is supported: Windows 7/8/10
  • The processor: Pentium IV returns
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM (recommended 2 GB)
  • Empty disk volume: 200 MB or more.
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