MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.8
Email Marketing is spreading all over the world because of its high efficiency, speed and low cost. If you want to showcase and sell your products or services, the best way is to use e-mail to contact your target customers. Targeted email is certainly very effective. If you can showcase your products or services through direct email to customers who are interested in them, this will increase your business' chances of success.
MaxBulk Mailer is a mass emailing tool that allows you to design and send emails to your customers and prospects, directly from your desktop. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text documents with full support for attachments. Please see screenshot.
With MaxBulk Mailer, you will create, manage and deliver your own personalized, powerful marketing messages to your customers and prospects. MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you buy once, no need to pay on a per email basis for sending services.
Features of MaxBulk Mailer
- Detect and use your language if available.
- Send Text/HTML the way the client always renders it properly.
- Drag and drop support for mailing text and address lists.
- Easy to import/export address list files with easy to use functions.
- Advanced parser and copy check, also from clipboard.
- Powerful tools for scrolling and aligning text.
- Preview function to check the appearance of the document before sending.
- Full support for international characters (40 different encodings).
- Multiple easy-to-use, customizable mail accounts.
- Supports remote list management (MLM) and global blacklist.
- Support for attachments (Base64, UUEncode, BinHex, ...).
- Complete SMTP / POP connection log.
- Authentication of POP, APOP, and ESMTP.
- All e-mails can be sent at once, grouped or using a mail merge tag.
- Custom tags for mail merge.
- Schedule mailing.
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