Softwares Metatogger

Metatogger enables you to tag, rename and arrange the files Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Speex and MP3 your. It allows you to rename files based on the existing cards of them and also follow the links folder of them (useful if the folder path of your contains artist name, and album are related). Interface work modern The interface of the utility is clean and intuitive. Import the audio track into the workspace is done by using the browser files, folder view, or the method of "drag and drop"; you....

Metatogger enables you to tag, rename and arrange the files Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Speex and MP3 your. It allows you to rename files based on the existing cards of them and also follow the links folder of them (useful if the folder path of your contains artist name, and album are related).

Interface work modern

The interface of the utility is clean and intuitive. Import the audio track into the workspace is done by using the browser files, folder view, or the method of "drag and drop"; you can add as many items as you like.

Metatogger - tagging, rename audio

Preview properties audio files

Accident can see the audio properties of the file (for example: codec, duration, bit rate, channel mode, sample rate), adding cover art (embedded and external) and edit the card by the scripts.

An important feature of Metatoggercho allows you to apply the cards are individually designed and all what you have to do is write the name and value. Metatogger comes with many options and configuration settings related to tagging audio and certainly worth considering as a powerful application in this domain.

If you have the music files have generic names (for example: track1.mp3) and no tags, the lookup fingerprint integrated sound (supported by MuzicBrainz) can identify and tag the files for you.MetatOGGer can also gather artist information from a local database faster than lookup online but it requires you to download the database files first.Other features include organizing files based on tag info (copy, move, etc.), manual tagging, search for duplicates and delete the unwanted card.

Content update Metatogger

The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.

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