Softwares SeekFast 5.5

SeekFast has the ability to quickly search for specific text in all documents on your computer. SeekFast then sorts the results in a way that makes it easy to find the text you're looking for, see its context, and open the file that contains it. All you have to do is select a folder to search for and enter search words or phrases - you'll get all the sentences they appear in within seconds. This is especially useful if you need to find something quickly. SeekFast uses state-of-the-art....

SeekFast has the ability to quickly search for specific text in all documents on your computer. SeekFast then sorts the results in a way that makes it easy to find the text you're looking for, see its context, and open the file that contains it. All you have to do is select a folder to search for and enter search words or phrases - you'll get all the sentences they appear in within seconds. This is especially useful if you need to find something quickly.

SeekFast uses state-of-the-art language technology, allowing results to appear in the same order relevant to your search as a search in Google or any other web-based search engine . You can also sort the results by last modified date. If you get too many results for each search, you can narrow your search by adding one or more words.

Features of SeekFast

  • Quickly search thousands of documents.
  • Show most relevant results first.
  • You can see the sentences surrounding the search words on the screen.
  • Open the respective documents with just one click.
  • Integrated in File Explorer.
  • Supports various file formats.

SeekFast can search many different types of documents: Microsoft Word Documents (DOC, DOCX), PDF files (PDF), Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX), Microsoft PowerPoint files (PPT, PPTX) ), OpenOffice Text Documents (ODT), LibreOffice Writer documents (ODT), LaTeX documents (TEX), Rich Text Format (RTF) and other text documents (TXT, HTML, CPP, JAVA, JSP, XML, PHP, PL, PY and more)

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