Softwares NetworkTrafficView 2.50

NetworkTrafficView is a statistical software package are grouped according to Type of Ethernet, IP protocol, source Address / destination and port Source / Destination. For each line of the statistics, the following information is displayed: Type Ethernet (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), source Address, destination Address, source Port, destination Port, service Name (http, ftp, etc.), Count package, Total package size, Total data size, data Speed, data Speed, maximum....

NetworkTrafficView is a statistical software package are grouped according to Type of Ethernet, IP protocol, source Address / destination and port Source / Destination. For each line of the statistics, the following information is displayed: Type Ethernet (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), source Address, destination Address, source Port, destination Port, service Name (http, ftp, etc.), Count package, Total package size, Total data size, data Speed, data Speed, maximum package size medium, Time package first / last, amount of Time, and ID / process Name (For TCP connections).


New features

  • NetworkTrafficView now allows you to automatically add it to the list of programs permitted by Windows firewall when starting to capture and remove it when you stop capturing. This option is needed when using the method of shooting 'Socket rough' while Windows firewall is turned on, because if NetworkTrafficView is not added to Windows firewall, traffic to absolutely not be caught.
  • NetworkTrafficView now offers you to run it as administrator (In Windows Vista / 7 / 8 with UAC) if you start shooting using Raw Sockets.
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