Cableguys FilterShaper XL 1.0.3
FilterShaper XL is a plugin developed by Cableguys, a company famous for creating plugins and audio effects. FilterShaper XL is a flexible and powerful tool used in music production and audio processing. It's essentially a filter plugin, offering a variety of audio shaping and tuning capabilities through various filtering techniques.
FilterShaper XL allows users to create complex filter modulations, process audio signals in real time, and create dynamic effects using its advanced features. It typically includes a variety of filters, modulation options, LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators), envelope monitors, and various parameters to control the filter's behavior and movement. Users can apply it to individual tracks, combine busses, or even on the master track to create sounds in unique ways.
Main features:
Great similarity
- It all starts with a pair of powerful Cableguys filters. Go from classic warmth to audio speed modulation and screaming self-oscillation – all with an amazingly analog sound.
Mass adjustment possible
- Next, set things in motion with two combineable LFOs and an envelope monitor for every adjustable parameter. Dedicated LFOs for Speed and Quantity enable complex, evolving and surprising interactions.
Endless flexibility
- Create any filter movement you can imagine with our easy LFO drawing tools. Draw curves, steps, ramps – any shape – in seconds, bringing new rhythm to your path.
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