NumberingStar 4.0.1
NumberingStar is fast and easy to use numbering software, perfect for creating tickets, book reservations, invoices, labels, courses... anything that needs typing number! Using NumberingStar, you can print and number at the same time using any printer or workflow. No need to print too much or run the job twice. With NumberingStar, numbered jobs can be done as quickly and cheaply as regular jobs.
NumberingStar has some smart collation options. Print ready to cut books and single or....
Thanks for Downloading
NumberingStar is fast and easy to use numbering software, perfect for creating tickets, book reservations, invoices, labels, courses... anything that needs typing number! Using NumberingStar, you can print and number at the same time using any printer or workflow. No need to print too much or run the job twice. With NumberingStar, numbered jobs can be done as quickly and cheaply as regular jobs.
NumberingStar has some smart collation options. Print ready to cut books and single or multiple sheets. No need for extra time for manual reconciliation.
Other Features of NumberingStar
- Duplex printing: Numbers on front and back if required.
- Any sequence of gaps and repeats for even the most complex jobs.
- Precise control of cuts and grooves with automatic PDF crop box detection.
- Font and color options to complete the perfect design.
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