OrangeCD Suite 6.5.8 Build 27126
OrangeCD Suite is a comprehensive music database program to classify your music on any medium: CD, DVD, MP3, iTunes, OGG, FLAC, WMA files or even your old disc and LP tapes. To add a new CD to the database, you just take it to the computer or scan the bar code from the jewelry box and the OrangeCD will download all the information from the FreeDB and Amazon database, including cover photos and album reviews. You don't have to type one word. Filling in your CD database becomes quick and easy.
The resulting database can be used to browse, search, print or export to any supported format. Now, you can quickly check if you have a specific album or a specific song, find its exact location on the CD price, print the CD volume index or calculate your CD library value for insurance. You can create web pages with a list of all your albums and download them on your website. The feel and interface of the sites is determined by the patterns and can be easily customisable.
The features of OrangeCD Suite
- Add your CD album to the database without input.
- Add MP3, OGG, Windows Media (WMA), FLAC or other music files by automatically scanning disk folders.
- Add the CD album by reading the bar code from the jewelry box. (We recommend using the CueCat bar code reader to have the best results.)
- The catalog of classic music albums as well as pop music.
- Store any additional personal information in custom fields.
- Store your music records and playlists, biographies or reviews.
- Keep up your music website.
- Keep up your music web site.
- Keep up your list of wishes and lists.
- Your bombing list in alphabeti-order, the order of time, or any school, only with a click.
- Show the albums in the folders grouped by the group.
- any school.
- Search for the text string in your album or follow any school organization.
- In a list of your albums and songs.
- Release or queue for the rebroadcast of the song in the multimedia browser you select.
- New!! Play or queue for songs in the Squeezebox or Transporter network music player.
- New!! Publish a list of your music collection on the Racks and Tags website and update your online playlist automatically.
- Create detailed websites and can customize with your album, include the index page, the list of recent additions and individual songs and albums pages.
- Create a pure text or HTML report from MP3 or iTunes files.
- Check out the database.
- Copy your data automatically or at request.
- Copy CD backup (only Windows XP and Windows Vista.)
- Search for sites like eBay, Amazon or Google to know the price. or album information.
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