Pipette 24.8.31
Each designer, webmaster or friend of the photos or good photos all know the importance of choosing suitable colors for web pages, graphics, pictures and images. Color matching support images of products, creating elements get to know and allow something to appear elegant or inexpensive.
Pipette - Get the correct color
Therefore, the selection of suitable color requires a special skill, expertise and necessary software to help the operator. Often, people want to use a color from a photo or a picture in a different context, for example for a font next to the picture or to adjust the color according to the shades of it.
Exactly for these tasks, our program, the pipette , is available for Windows, macOS and Linux, created for. Because this tool is portable, you can also use it without installing. With this app, you can choose color from somewhere on screen - for example from the app or other photo - and convert them to many color models . Moreover, can convert a color from color models to other models or to change colors according to its nuances with many opportunities.
On this site you also get an introduction to the necessary theory behind colors. For example, in the color Models , all color models used in the app are well explained and in English of us, you can find many other useful information on this topic. In addition, you can find a number of color chart on this page. Here you can find some color codes even when not using the program. If you want to work with the color from the color palette, we recommend that you use the Pipette to pick the corresponding color directly from the window of your browser.
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