ChrisPC Win Experience Index 7.25.0318
ChrisPC Win Experience Index helps to check performance of RAM, processor CPU to know that his machine still works fine with the program ChrisPC Win Experience Index brings back the Windows Experience Index are installed on windows 8.1 of you to take out only the number of hardware, after checking the software, return the original interface of your operating system.
ChrisPC Win Experience Index - performance test computer
ChrisPC Win Experience Index installed quickly, after launch, you can see the rating of performance overall and I personally, I have a weak spot on the hard drive, it can understand, it will be very great if buy SSD. The maximum value possible is 7.9, the minimum is 1.0. If you have processor 64-bit, then to get ranking RAM normally, you need to have more than 4 GB of memory, in general, I think that this is not an issue in these days.
In addition to the ability to check reviews, specifications the computer hardware, the software also can check the parameters of the software already installed on the computer giving a detailed report about the software you have installed, with the features of the program you can know the configuration of your computer and performance of how it...
Features of ChrisPC Win Experience Index
- Reviews point computer hardware as cpu, ram, hard drive...
- Check out the performance of the software on the computer
- Given pattern in accordance with the configuration current computer
- The interface is easy to use
- Suitable with windows 8.1, windows 8. Windows 7
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