PowerISO 9.0
PowerISO is software extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split, convert ISO files and mount ISO file on the virtual drive. Besides, PowerISO supports rip CDS securely, handle many different partitions as well as the ability to create a USB drive boot for Windows XP/Vista and 7. The special thing is the files compressed can be used directly without decompressing.
PowerISO - Create virtual drives
Features PowerISO
PowerISO view, edit, delete content files in the iso....
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PowerISO is software extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split, convert ISO files and mount ISO file on the virtual drive. Besides, PowerISO supports rip CDS securely, handle many different partitions as well as the ability to create a USB drive boot for Windows XP/Vista and 7. The special thing is the files compressed can be used directly without decompressing.
PowerISO - Create virtual drives
Features PowerISO
- PowerISO view, edit, delete content files in the iso file,
- Perform management and burn the iso file onto a floppy disk an easy, simple and fast.
- PowerISO supports many image file format different disk as BIN / CUE, DAA, UIF, DMG, MDF / MDS, ASHDISC, BWI / B5I, LCD, IMG, CDI, CIF, P01, PDI, NRG, NCD, PXI, GI, FCD, VCD, C2D, BIF.
- Create ISO file or CUE file BIN from the hard disk files. The ISO file is bootable and used as the original disk.
Update PowerISO 7.3 Full has what?
- Allows users to create the optical disc drive, virtual with bulk and use directly the disk image file
- Added feature to create a virtual drive automatically
- Added feature to set password protect safe drives
- Increase the ability to decompress and compress the drive quickly and easily
Content update PowerISO 7.5:
- Can create USB drive bootable FreeDOS and MS-DOS.
- Can open image file hard drive 4kn.
- Can convert esd file to iso.
- Support the ext4 file system.
- Improved support for file system NTFS.
- A number of bug fixes and small improvements.
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