Softwares English Idioms & Slang Phrases 1.4.5

Are you just starting to learn English or looking to improve your current English skills? English Idioms & Slang Phrases are a great vocabulary builder for beginners and advanced language learners who want to reach native speaker level. Also, it will be useful for those who want to find a good job or higher education in the US, UK, Canada, Australia. This is a great way to prepare to successfully pass TOEFL and IELTS. In our English learning app, we have collected over 700 of the....

Are you just starting to learn English or looking to improve your current English skills? English Idioms & Slang Phrases are a great vocabulary builder for beginners and advanced language learners who want to reach native speaker level. Also, it will be useful for those who want to find a good job or higher education in the US, UK, Canada, Australia. This is a great way to prepare to successfully pass TOEFL and IELTS.

In our English learning app, we have collected over 700 of the most useful English idioms and slang phrases to learn and master, and created a user-friendly interface that helps The language learning process becomes simple and fast. The learning techniques applied in the app allow you to learn English idioms (up to 30 new idioms per day), commonly used in common native English speech. You can memorize all these words quickly using this language learning app.

Characteristics of English slang idioms and phrases

  • Application to build vocabulary with internal spaced repetition method
  • List of the most important English idioms and slang phrases
  • More than 2,000 examples of how to use English idioms in everyday conversation
  • Personal study schedule
  • Fun exercises to improve English skills
  • English vocabulary practice activities
  • English flashcard set
  • Search dictionary
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