Softwares Python 3.12.0

Python is a programming language high-level for the purpose of programming multi-function, due to Guido van Rossum created and first launched in 1991. Python is designed with strong advantages is easy to read, easy to learn and easy to remember. Python is a language can form very bright, clear structure, convenient for new people to learn programming. Python fully create a dynamic and user mechanisms to allocate the memory automatically; so it is similar to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk,....

Python is a programming language high-level for the purpose of programming multi-function, due to Guido van Rossum created and first launched in 1991. Python is designed with strong advantages is easy to read, easy to learn and easy to remember. Python is a language can form very bright, clear structure, convenient for new people to learn programming. Python fully create a dynamic and user mechanisms to allocate the memory automatically; so it is similar to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, Smalltalk, and Tcl. Python was developed in a project code to open, due to the non-profit organization Python Software Foundation management.

Python - Python programming language

Python uses objects (object), class (class) and language syntax (syntax) to help users create, edit, and application development. Code written in Python can be compiled when creating the exe file independent. Today, Python is used and very widely used in software applications developed for commercial purposes or learning. It includes a large library with various tools preset.

The features of Python

  • Syntax clear, easy to read
  • Object oriented visual
  • Natural expressions, for code
  • Full support module and the package hierarchy
  • Handle error based on the exclusion method
  • Many types of data hierarchy
  • Library standard extended and module side Tuesday for each task
  • Easy to write extensions and modules in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, the language .NET for IronPython).
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