Question Tools Editor 4.3.0
Question Tools Editor is a tool for learning electronics fully functional, free, used in 148 countries. Programming skills, script writing and HTML is not required. The editor allows you to create lessons, exercises and tests, interactive electronic fun to distribute by any modern web browser how - does not require plug-ins website.
Question Tools Editor - Create reviews check
If you can use Microsoft Word you can use Question Tools Editor. Question types: Select (multiple choice), true / false, hotspot, menus, text answer, long answer, and drag. Templates ready to use, features effective style. Create interactive lessons, exercises and tests. Open and test multiple screens within the editor.
Image processing, audio and video in many formats including MP3 and MPEG. More feedback can be included in the screen. Multiple choice test and a lesson. Many establishments undone, comprehensive help. Panel to quickly drag the text into position.
YAC Reader 9.6.2
Stands for Yet Another Comic Reader. This is a comic reader based on the platform Qt4 free
XMind Portable 2025 v25.01.01061
A great app to create mind maps help to realize the idea up to chart creative thinking
Vexlio 1.2.2
Drawing software diagram, illustrate the complex concepts, more math equations and export everything to PDF and SVG
TLex Suite 2020 v12.1.0.2779
Software designed to allow you to create dictionary or glossary is internationalized completely
GeoGebra 6.0.876
Software, see the math on the computer for you to solve problems more quickly and accurately data problem
FX Math Tools MultiDocs 25.02.23
Quickly create editable, high quality diagrams for the quiz, test, worksheets, web sites
DeskCalc Pro 10.0.4
Math tool can perform a variety of calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as use the content of
Articulate Storyline 3.20.30234.0
Software create interactive courses provide mode optimum viewing your course on any device
Anthemion Jutoh 3.23.0
Software create electronic books in popular formats and design your own cover with editor, cover integrated.
Alternate Calculator 3.880
A simple calculator also can be used to translate the currency (e.g. Euro).