Softwares QuickImageComment 4.64

QuickImageComment is a free tool to help review images quickly developed to enter and edit very quick and easy the comments of users and artists (the author) in the digital image (for example JPEG or TIFF). These features are read from the properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP tags of image files and stored in it. QuickImageComment - tool review images Features of QuickImageComment - The program displays all the properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP, as well as a number of properties other files as....

QuickImageComment is a free tool to help review images quickly developed to enter and edit very quick and easy the comments of users and artists (the author) in the digital image (for example JPEG or TIFF). These features are read from the properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP tags of image files and stored in it.

QuickImageComment - tool review images

Features of QuickImageComment

- The program displays all the properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP, as well as a number of properties other files as date modified.

- Besides the full list of properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP, a list of properties be shown, can custom.

- Supplement to the reviews of users and artists can customize many properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP over. List the properties that can be set.

- Through placeholders, which can reach the values of the attributes in others.

- Changes can be transported in the same time for two or more files.

- The properties, IPTC, EXIF and XMP can be removed by the exception can be decided. Unique attributes can also be removed.

- The file can be named in the properties file IPTC, Exif and XMP.

- Can compare the properties, IPTC, Exif and XMP in the file.

- A unique mask is used to adjust the recording time of a series of images captured by the separate camera. Images are sorted according to properties (most camera models). For each group, can change the recording time. Then, the images are arranged directly to verify the image is then in the correct order timely.

- Properties selected images of the images in a folder can be exported to a text file.

- All the image properties of images to be pregnant can be exported to a text file.

- Display metadata (XMP) of the video file, but also displays the frame of video.

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