Softwares KeyShot Studio VR 2024.1 v13.0.0.92

KeyShot Studio VR from KeyShot enables fast, interactive VR experiences without programming. VR is just a click away with minimal preparation, experience a scene in a VR environment directly from KeyShot. Can call any KSP or Bip file. It is possible to go through scenes interactively. KeyShot Studio VR can also be installed without KeyShot to visualize existing KeyShot files. Supports multiple materials, animations, and model sets. Users can be guided in VR using boss mode. Product....

KeyShot Studio VR from KeyShot enables fast, interactive VR experiences without programming. VR is just a click away with minimal preparation, experience a scene in a VR environment directly from KeyShot. Can call any KSP or Bip file. It is possible to go through scenes interactively. KeyShot Studio VR can also be installed without KeyShot to visualize existing KeyShot files. Supports multiple materials, animations, and model sets. Users can be guided in VR using boss mode.

Product highlights

  • Interactive accessible scene
  • No programming required
  • Multiple materials
  • Model set
  • Neighbourhood
  • Camera
  • Animation
  • Physics
  • Shadows cast on the ground
  • Boss mode
  • Screenshot
  • Baking materials
  • Scale
  • Positioning in grid
  • KeyVR Connect (multi-user system in the same LAN)
  • XR mode, requires special hardware
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