Responsive Bootstrap Builder 2.5.361
Responsive Bootstrap Builder is a tool construction, designed with the Bootstrap with digital authentication using front-end framework, the most famous in the world. Speed up production time by working in the environment real-time browsing. With no code to worry about, explore alternative design is both faster and easier, which leads to the website killer.
With Responsive Bootstrap Builder users easily drag into the components built can customize, such as menus, accordions, alerts, tables, tabs, modal dialogs, etc. Visually create your own too. Combine elements, add action, click-through data attributes and some CSS to create the navigation screen, card flex, information pops up or galleries of your own.
Responsive Bootstrap Builder - web design using Bootstrap
Icons keep the identical elements as logo, title, menu is the same throughout the project. Edit an item icon updates on global all the cases. Yup, updated all the legs page, with an edit! Rules flexible. That is why you can easily unlink an individual from the group if need different content.
The basic features of Responsive Bootstrap Builder
CSS controls
- Harness the full power design of CSS through the control panel can click simple.
- Using P for and performance
- Picture element serves specific image of the device.
Positioning control
- Everything from display and absolute positioning, clear or embossed to the control Flexbox great.
- Multi-layer background for the creative extreme.
Management color palette
- Grab the color from anywhere on screen and arrange them into the palette can be re-used.
The perfect about style
- Google font fonts, backup, edit, inline, frame size look related and all controls other word that you can think of.
Manage the layout easily
- Add, delete, merge and move rows and columns. Adjustable width span, deflection and install push and pull.
And many advanced functions invite you to explore.
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