RJ TextEd 16.25
RJ TextEd is a text editor full-featured with Unicode support, syntax highlighting and folding code. RJ TextEd also includes the edit CSS and the command file dual frame, as well as an FTP client to upload your files and several small tools to help the daily work (the color selector, the unit converter and other tools).
RJ TextEd - The editor and write the Code
Utilities RJ TextEd supports editor Topstyle Lite CSS with interface, file management, two windows at the same time and a application FTP client to upload files. The program comes with language files to display menus and dialog boxes in several of different. You can also use RJ TextEd Portable is the portable version of the software, help you copy it to USB to use.
RJ TextEd is also a tool to create website simple but fully functional. The software will bring out the hints and also features auto completion (auto-completion) when support work editing the source code. Users are provided the ability to manage storage the file to ASCII real binary file, and the file of pure text. In addition, the program has advanced features such as e-mail support and tracking high level with regular expressions.
The features extend well beyond editing text files and include support for editing HTML / xHTML with preview integration (IE and Firefox), spell checking, auto completion, authentication, HTML, templates, code folding code, command macros, syntax highlighting, custom and more.
However, there was the mobile version unless you really need to run RJ TextEd from USB memory card, we recommend using the Installed version, because the update in the future will be easier to apply than many and you won't risk when overwrite-installing his custom.
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