Softwares ScanSpeeder Pro 3.25

ScanSpeeder Pro is a program that can help you scan old photos more easily by supporting working with multiple images at once. Your photos are automatically detected and straightened, and then saved to separate image files. Autodetect even works when scanning directly from the photo album page. In addition, the software can automatically correct the orientation of the image, perform corrections, and other simple things that may be necessary when working with the scanner. Features of....

ScanSpeeder Pro is a program that can help you scan old photos more easily by supporting working with multiple images at once. Your photos are automatically detected and straightened, and then saved to separate image files. Autodetect even works when scanning directly from the photo album page. In addition, the software can automatically correct the orientation of the image, perform corrections, and other simple things that may be necessary when working with the scanner.

Features of ScanSpeeder Pro

  • Scan multiple images at once with your flatbed scanner
  • High auto-detection rate saves you a lot of time
  • Automatically crop and straighten scanned images into separate image files
  • Scan directly from photo album page so you don't tear photos
  • Add text you can view and Tag photos as you visit to keep written comments and date taken so you can organize and Easily find your scanned images later
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  • Save both archival and web/e-mail/slideshow quality photos at the same time
  • Precise batch orientation and tilt for multiple images at once
  • Bulk Adjust Your Existing Photo Collection
  • Add text, caption, tags, shooting date, 1-click editing, orientation,...
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