Steinberg WaveLab Elements 11.0.10
Steinberg WaveLab Elements is a software edit and master audio, which is perfectly designed for the musician hobby, who work freely on the radio, and studio owners at home. Based on the solution master WaveLab Pro has been approved, WaveLab Elements highlights the editing tools, and analysis has proven a valuable choice restoration and mastering plug-ins, tool CD recordings, and more - all accessible via the intuitive user interface.
Steinberg WaveLab Elements introduced many improvements to make and edit workflows, as well as the features are carefully selected to refine and Polish the sound. Different from The edited spectrum leading to the plug-in new recovery technology unique Sound along with the plug-in is re-designed and advanced - WaveLab 9.5 is a leap in terms of sound quality.
The features of Steinberg WaveLab Elements
- Tools audio 64 bit raw yet with the ability to handle the exact dual and for support write integer 32 bit
- Modern Spectrogram provides view, custom color schemes with the presets, display settings, stairs, audio drama and more
- Screen Wavelet totally new to express, intuitive, more accurate musical content of audio files
- The edit spectrum modern with a set of tools and functions completely new to editing by surgery in the Spectrogram
- Technology audio playback is waiting for a patent to regenerate and / or replace audio material broken by proper use of information spectrum of the region around
- Tab bug Fixes designed to detect and correct errors simple and easy
- The software support RestoreRig new include DeClicker, DeCrackler, DePopper, DeNoiser and DeBuzzer
- Program spectrum directly to display real time information of the signal while recording or playback
- The plug-in to be refurbished include the modular handle new series, the improvement in MasterRig, redesign the GUI in most of the dynamic effects as well as the processing algorithm, new
- Apple Touch Bar support access easily and directly to the tasks and functions of your favorite fingertips
- Further enhancements, including high DPI support, the moderated secret the MP3 not distance, supports track name iXML, and more.
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