Syncthing 1.28.1
Syncthing is synchronization service, cloud and open and non-focus allows you to share and sync files with other computers and gives you full control how to share your data and who can access it. Syncthing does not store your data in any other place, there is no server side Tuesday how to join. In addition, all the communication is secured by TLS and every button is determined by the certificate the strength of the encryption. Only computers that have explicitly allowed can connect with the cloud to share your files.
Syncthing - Share files securely
Syncthing is portable and no installation required. It uses GUI-based browser allows you to configure the application and monitor the activity, share files. You start by choosing one or more folders (on your computer) that you want to share with others. Then, you can select or invite other computer is running Syncthing and choose whether to allow them access to your files.
Syncthing easy to use and configure. It gives you full control over the files you want to share, and operates through a LAN or the Internet without the need of any IP configurations of any complexity.
Content update Syncthing 1.2.2:
The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.
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