Quick Assist
Quick Assist is a built-in remote support tool available in Windows 10 and Windows 11. This application allows users to connect to another Windows PC over the internet to provide or receive technical support or troubleshooting help. The main purpose of the application is to allow you to provide or receive remote support. Whether you're helping a family member, friend, or colleague, you can use this tool to connect to their computer and assist them with troubleshooting or other tasks.
To use it on Windows 10 or Windows 11:
1. Open the Start Menu and search for "Quick Assist". Click on the application to launch it.
2. There are two options: "Support" and "Get support".
3. If you want to support someone, click "Support". You will be provided with a unique security code that you need to share with the person you want to assist.
4. If you need support, click "Get support". You will be prompted to enter the security code provided by your support provider.
5. After entering and verifying the security code, the connection will be established. Support providers will have limited access to your computer with your permission.
6. Support providers can remotely view your screen, access files, diagnose and fix problems, make changes, or demonstrate procedures while you watch.
7. During the session, both parties have the option to pause or stop the remote support connection.
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