Softwares Tablacus Explorer 24.12.23

Tablacus Explorer is a file manager open-source is designed to help you arrange the contents of your folders. Tablacus Explorer has a user interface very simple and you will be familiar with working with this program immediately. Folders and files can be sorted or grouped by name, type, size and date when they were last modified. App can automatically remember to set your tab if you close it and allows you to copy or move items to different positions and save the settings to format an XML....

Tablacus Explorer is a file manager open-source is designed to help you arrange the contents of your folders. Tablacus Explorer has a user interface very simple and you will be familiar with working with this program immediately. Folders and files can be sorted or grouped by name, type, size and date when they were last modified. App can automatically remember to set your tab if you close it and allows you to copy or move items to different positions and save the settings to format an XML file so you can import data in the future.

Tablacus Explorer - file Manager

In addition, can choose how to display items from the specified folder into the main window about the name, type, size, account name, attributes, attachments, authors, fax, business, corporate, and many other options.

The features of Tablacus Explorer

  • Tabbed interface
  • Add-on support
  • Fully portable, No installation required
  • Supports multiple languages and Unicode
  • Columns: Total size, file , Labels
  • Custom links, menus , keys , mouse gestures , alias
  • Open source
  • 64 bit version (TE64.exe / x64) and 32 bit (TE32.exe / x86 Edition) available
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