Total Registry 0.9.8
Total Registry is an alternative to the Windows registry viewer and explorer that gives the panel additional functionality to make working with the registry easier.< /p>
Features of Total Registry
Show real Registry (not just standard)
Sort list view by any column
Honeycomb main icon, inaccessible key and link
Key details: last write time and number of keys/values
Display MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ extended values
Full Search (Find All/Ctrl + Shift + F)
Advanced hex editor for....
Thanks for Downloading
Total Registry is an alternative to the Windows registry viewer and explorer that gives the panel additional functionality to make working with the registry easier.< /p>
Features of Total Registry
- Show real Registry (not just standard)
- Sort list view by any column
- Honeycomb main icon, inaccessible key and link
- Key details: last write time and number of keys/values
- Display MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ extended values
- Full Search (Find All/Ctrl + Shift + F)
- Advanced hex editor for binary values
- Undo/redo
- Copy/paste keys/values
- Replace RegEdit Option Connect to Open Keys
- Remote check-in view
Top Alternatives
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