Softwares Radio Alarm Clock+ 23.11.3

This is an online clock radio / radio alarm app. It evolved from the 'Radio Alarm Clock (100% free of charge & ad-free!)'. It is a heavily refurbished version with a more modern design, many improvements and new functions.This app is still being developed and improved. There may be bugs and errors which may prevent the clock radio from waking you up as intended! Please consider using a 'normal' alarm clock in addition to this app. Features of Radio Alarm Clock+ Completely new,....

This is an online clock radio / radio alarm app. It evolved from the 'Radio Alarm Clock (100% free of charge & ad-free!)'. It is a heavily refurbished version with a more modern design, many improvements and new functions.This app is still being developed and improved. There may be bugs and errors which may prevent the clock radio from waking you up as intended! Please consider using a 'normal' alarm clock in addition to this app.

Features of Radio Alarm Clock+

  • Completely new, more modern design
  • A night clock
  • Even / odd week support for alarms
  • Options for WIFI auto on/off
  • Home screen widgets
  • Alarm with flashlight
  • A beeper alarm to prevent from falling asleep again
  • Statistics - examine detailed statistics about your behaviour regarding getting up, listening to the radio and other actions within the app
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